Patricia Quintana Bidar is a working class elder and writer of short form fiction, from the Port of Los Angeles area.

She is an alum of the U.C. Davis Graduate Writing Program, where she taught creative writing to undergraduate students and earned a M.A. in English. Patricia also holds a degree in Filmmaking.

Patricia’s stories have been widely anthologized including in Flash Fiction America (W.W. Norton, 2023), Best Microfiction 2023 (Pelekinesis Press), and Best Small Fictions 2023 and 2024 (Alternating Current Press). Her short works of fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in The Pinch, SmokeLong Quarterly, Waxwing, Atticus Review, Wigleaf, and Moon City Review, among other fine literary journals.

Patricia serves as Submissions Editor at SmokeLong Quarterly and as a member of the Wigleaf Top 50 team. She lives with her family and unusual dog outside of Oakland, California.